Nature of STEP

The Nature of Scripture Engagement Partnership (STEP)

STEP is a growing partnership composed of Mission, Church, language community leaders, and other concerned individuals and partners. STEP is engaging in a participatory way with language community leaders and the Church which ministers to these communities to assist them in acquiring the needed skills and equipment to produce the print and non-print Scripture and Scripture-related materials they desire for the languages they speak, and for the language communities in which they are involved in Mission and ministry outreach/proclamation. STEP trains local Scripture Use practitioners in the language community and in the churches which minister to these language communities and assists them in the production of materials they need and desire for ministry and proclamation purposes.

Workshops are held to:

  1. Train local Scripture Use practitioners,
  2. Train practitioners in the production and use of various Scripture Use products,
  3. Transfer skills to local practitioners to produce the needed materials,
  4. Assist practitioners in advocating for and using various Scripture Use products and materials in the communities for which they are prepared.


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